Vi3 Health
Vi3 Health
Ik werd voorgesteld aan geëlektrolyseerd water door een vriend die zag dat ik leed aan allergieën en regelmatig klaagde over een opgeblazen gevoel in mijn maag. Echter, de tante van mijn vriend gaf me het water om te proberen. Na enkele dagen merkte ik dat er veranderingen plaatsvonden: de uitslag op mijn gezicht begon te verdwijnen en ik begon dagelijks mijn darmen te openen.
Inmiddels drink ik al meer dan 3 maanden geëlektrolyseerd water, en ik ben verbaasd over de vele voordelen die het biedt. Voorheen kocht ik flessenwater en gaf wekelijks veel geld uit!
Het was moeilijk om dagelijks de zware flessen water van de winkel te dragen, vooral omdat ik geen auto heb en een fervent waterdrinker ben.
Sinds ik echter geëlektrolyseerd water drink, kan ik gemakkelijk veel glazen per dag drinken omdat het lichter is en ongelooflijk smakelijk is. Ik had af en toe last van obstipatie, leed aan allergieën en had een opgeblazen gevoel, maar sinds ik geëlektrolyseerd water ben gaan drinken, is dat allemaal verleden tijd.
Dit leidde ertoe dat ik mijn eigen apparaat aanschafte, en ik heb sindsdien niet meer omgekeken. Bovendien gebruik ik het beauty water op mijn gezicht, en dagelijks word ik op straat aangehouden en gevraagd wat ik op mijn gezicht gebruik!
click here to download order form ID:21000061114
من به طور اتفاقی در مورد آب کانگن فهمیدم، نمونه ای به من داده شد و از طعم آن که تمیز و سبک و نوشیدنی بسیار آسان بود
بسیار تحت تأثیر قرار گرفتم، تنها مسئله من این بود که چه زمانی می خواهم مقدار
بیشتری از این آب دوست داشتنی را تهیه کنم. .
بنابراین من شروع به جستجو در اینترنت برای آب قلیایی کردم، زیرا فردی که نمونه ام را از او گرفتم محلی برای من نبود، یک لینک آب قلیایی در گوگل به نام شماره پیدا کردم، وقتی تماس گرفتم جوابی دریافت نکردم، اما دریافت کردم. تماس برگشتی توسط مردی با لهجه یورکشایری که خودش را به آن معرفی کرداو یک گفتگوی بسیار طولانی اما خوب در مورد برخی از فواید آب کانگن و چرایی خاص بودن آن داشت.
او گفت باید برای تهیه دستگاه خودم سرمایه گذاری کنم زیرا می تواند برای من و خانواده ام مفید باشد، توضیح دادم که به موقع انجام خواهم داد اما فعلا باید بیشتر از این آب کانگن امتحان کنم! او قول داد که من را
با کسی نزدیکتر که در نزدیکی منطقه من است در تماس قرار دهد. که او برای 30 روز یک مسیر ترتیب داد و سپس دوباره صحبت می کنیم.
همانطور که می گویند بقیه تاریخ او; من اکنون صاحبمفتخر یک Ioniser هستم که تاکنون سرمایهگذاری خوبی بوده است. من این محصول را توصیه می کنم.
Click here for Product Order form ID21000060165
I was in introduced to Electrolyzed water by a friend, after a couple weeks of trialing Electrolyzed water I noticed less nagging pain and I felt really happy, I got out of bed with a spring in my step, I knew then that I had found something special that I had to have, I made the decision and purchased my own Ioniser, I noticed increased energy and mental clarity.
I spent years of my life sourcing potions and supplements trying to ween myself off life long iron deficiency anaemia and Hypothyroidism, no more!
It’s simple, if I had to choose 1 supplement to have for the rest of my life my Electrolyzed water would be it, Everyone should own one
Click here for product order form ID21000024523
Initially I didn’t know about Ionised water and it’s many benefits. I was very surprised to learn about the super hydrating, alkaline and anti-oxidant properties of Ionised water,
I had severe problems with kidney stones but after I started drinking the Ionised water for a period of time, I realised how much of a difference it has made to my wellbeing.
Now I give everyone I come across a bottle of Ionised water! So if you would like to try some please email me.
Click here for Product Order form ID 21000000336
I found out about Electrolyzed water from my son, who was constantly going on at me to drink more water and like most people it literally took me a long time to be convinced that this water was beneficial to myself personally.
Once I understood the benefits and the changes I’d noticed within myself, I made the decision that I was going to purchase my own Ioniser device. It took me awhile to make that decision though and I was also fed up with having to travel each time I required to get a refill of Electrolyzed water.
It’s been one year now since I purchased my Water Ioniser which has turned out to be my most used kitchen appliance to date.
click here to download order form ID 4405411
It's My Mother who introduced me to the Electrolyzed water which I was absolutely amazed how light and clean tasting this was the more i drank the impressed I became, and just kept pestering her for more and more information.
Well as they say the rest is history'' It's just something I had to have, So now I am always fully hydrated whether its gym time , work or leisure my hydration is taken care of thanks to Electrolyzed water.
click here to download order form ID21000061818
I have Known about Electrolyzed water for some years now but didn't pay much attention, we all get distracted at times then its forgotten about and you just get on with life, fortunately for me I keep an open mind, So I was very excited when I rediscovered Electrolyzed water.
I had some samples sent to me that was enough for me to make the decision to purchase my own Ioniser, the family and I have really noticed the difference this water has made to our daily lives'' It's been a great investment, we couldn't do without our Ioniser machine'' or drink any other water now. I have Also just purchased the device for the shower and bath, so now showers and baths will be Chlorine free. I highly recommend both products.
click here to download order form ID 21000052384
Ich wurde von Whinston Thomas mit Electrolyzed wasser bekannt und ein paar wochen später kauf ich die maschine und fangen zu trinken mit meiner familie.
Es ist großartig dieses weiche und leicht wasser zu trinken.seitdem ich anfangen es zu trinken,fühle ich mich in meinem körper anders.
ich bemerkte eine gesteigerte energie und geistige klarheit.wenn jemand eine wasserprobe benötigt,kann mir einfach eine E-Mail senden. Ich empfehle Ihnen dringend, in diese Investition zu investieren
click here to download order formID:21000066659
I was first told about Electrolyzed water in 2016 but never started drinking it until 2019. I wish I had started drinking it when I was first told. I have had quite a number of ailments over the years but since drinking Electrolyzed water they have subsided.
I used to find water very hard to drink. My throat used to close up but since drinking Electrolyzed water I find it so easy to go down. Owning my Platinum water Ioniser, is one of the best moves I have made in my life.
I have introduced it to my family and friends and we have never turned back.
click here to download order form ID 4408636
I was introduced to Electrolyzed water while visiting a friend, who had just received a delivery for his parents, who were trying it out. I tried some and noticed how clean, light and refreshing it tasted and how easy it was to drink.
I took some to the gym that same evening for my workout. After my session, I realised how great I still felt, less exhausted than usual.
Then after some research into the company, I decided to purchase my Ioniser device. knowing this was going to benefit my whole family. It's still a fantastic investment 5 years on.
Click here for Product Order form ID 4086847
Since Whinston introduced me to Electrolyzed water it has been a God send, I am so happy now because I suffered from acid reflux for a very long time.
In the mornings I would spend a whole hour on my hands and knees in the toilet I suffered so badly with acid reflux.
since having my own ioniser machine, I can get to appointments on time because as soon as I open my eyes I drink my Electrolyzed water direct from Ioniser machine now,
My life is changing in the right direction thank you Whinston for introducing me to this life changing device. This is something I now definitely have to recommend.
click here to download order formID:21000078309
A primeira vez que tive conhecimento da água eletrolisada foi a alguns anos atrás, enquanto fazia meu treino em Osteopatia. Porém, na época não dei muita atenção. Mais recentemente, um amigo meu falou me sobre os benefícios da água ionizada e imediatamente fui fazer a minha própria pesquisa e ao mesmo tempo solicitei algumas amostras e comecei a usar diariamante por um período de tempo e os resultados foram fenomenais.
sendo especialista em Medicina Holística Integrativa, sei da importância e o impacto para a nossa saúde quando consumimos diariamente uma água de boa qualidade.
SIM, água de boa qualidade! Porque nem toda a água que bebemos é igual. Por exemplo, a água da torneira vem com muitas impurezas e produtos químicos como o cloro, presença de hormônios femininos devido a uso das pílulas anticoncepcionais, resíduos de medicamentos e outros que impactam em muito a nossa saúde ao longo dos anos. Para piorar a situação, mesmo algumas águas engarrafadas vendidas nos supermercados não são apropriadas para consumo devido aos elevados níveis de microplásticos e bisfenol A (BPA), que tem sido encontrados em algumas marcas de água engarradas.
Comprar meu próprio dispositivo ionizador de água foi uma decisão da qual nunca me arrependerei, porque minha família e eu realmente notamos a diferença que a água ionizada tem feito nas nossas vidas. Em casa, removi todos os produtos de limpeza industriais e comecei a usar somemte água ácida produzida pelo meu próprio dispositivo para matar possíveis patogênicos como bactérias, vírus e fungos .
Mais recentemente, introduzi a água eletrolisada na minha prática clínica, onde compartilhando com meus pacientes e amigos os benefícios da água eletrolisada e é gratificante vê-los de volta para mim com suas experiências, como sentir-se mais energizado, mais alerta, melhor sono e ate melhorias de pele.
Este e um produto que recomendo a todas as pessoas a terem em casa.
click here to download order form21000025374
I have never been a fan of drinking water, despite knowing its good for me however every time I had to drink i found myself preferring the boiled water, warm or at room temperature. After being given some samples of Electrolyzed water a few times I realised that this water taste clearly different and much better than what I was forcing myself to drink previously, plus the Electrolyzed Water taste very clean and light and didn't leave me feeling bloated, it so easy to drink.
I made the decision to purchase my own platinum Ioniser, And realised my drinking habits had improved" tremendously not just for me but the whole family have noticed the difference and we are all actually drinking a lot more, we cook with Electrolyzed Water we make our hot drinks it and also experiencing the benefits of all the by-products this great device makes. One of the best decisions and investment I've made in my Life.
Click here for Product Order form ID21000060346
I've known Whinston for a very long time and he has been giving me Electrolyzed water to drink for years now. I was just not consistent when it came to the consumption of it, going months and even a whole year without drinking any. However, everytime I ran into Whinston he would remind me about Elec water and lately other people have been mentioning it to me as well.
Whinston would always ask me when I was going to buy a machine and because I love the water, I decided to take the plunge and am now the proud owner of own Ioniser.
Now that I have my own machine, I can be consistent with my consumption and I would definitely recommend both the machine and water to anyone.
click here to download order form ID 21000052655
I found out by chance about Electrolyzed water, I was given a sample and was very impressed with the taste which was clean and light and very easy to drink, my only issue was when was how I was going to get some more of this lovely water.
So i started searching on the internet for alkaline water as the person I got my sample from wasn't local to me, I found an Alkaline water link on google called the number, didn't get an answer when I called, but I received a return call by a guy with a Yorkshire accent he introduced himself we had a very long but good conversation about some of the benefits of Electrolyzed water and why it's so special.
He said that I should invest in getting my own machine as It could be beneficial for my family and me, I explained that I would in time but for now I need to try more of this Electrolyzed water! he promised to put me in touch with someone closer who's near my area; which he arranged for a trail for 30 days then we would speak again.
As they say the rest his history; I am now the PROUD OWNER OF A New Ioniser which so far has been a great Investment. I do recommend this product.
click here to download order form ID 21000032307
After been introduced to Electrolyzed water, I instantly knew that this was an investment I needed to make, not just for me but for my family and friends.
Once my body absorbed the ionised water I knew I couldn’t go back to drinking tap water or any other bottled water.
Electrolyzed water keeps me well hydrated throughout the day whilst helping me stay active and full or energy when carrying out my daily activities or when I hit a workout etc
If your not drinking Electrolyzed water your not getting the full benefits of a healthier lifestyle
click here to download order form ID 2100027037
I've been a water drinker for as long as I can remember. Aside from the occasional glass of milk, water has always been my go to. For years, I stuck to bottled water,
believing it tasted better and was healthier than tap water, which has a taste that varies so much across the UK.
Then I discovered electrolyzed water, and I couldn't wait to try it.
From the first sip, I knew I had found something special. The taste is incredible, light, smooth, and clean, with no aftertaste or bloating. It goes down so easily, and I’ve never felt more hydrated in my life.
Since then, I’ve become a bit of a water snob!
I always carry a couple of litres with me wherever I go. And it’s not just me, my whole family is now hooked on the water from our machine. They love it just as much as I do! With all the different types of water it produces, and their many uses, this machine has been hands-down the best investment I’ve ever made I will be recommending to everyone.
click here to download order form ID21000061348
Bonjour, je suis Patrice Kamtchoum. Distributeur de l'eau Alcaline Electrolyzed depuis maintenant un an. L'eau Alcaline Electrolyzed est un device medical qui transforme des vies. Aussi bien du point de vue de la santé que financier. Ke vous recommande vivement cette opportunité, car elle est très effective et rentable pour la vie.
Je consomme cette eau depuis 16 mois depuis l'achat de mon appareil Electrolyzed que je redistribute aussi à mes clients qui en consomment régulièrement lors de leurs visites dans mon shop basé à Leeds.
Je vous recommande une fois de plus de vous y investir car ses bienfaits et opportunités sont aussitôt visibles.
Veuillez me contacter pour plus de details.
Patrice Kamtchoum
Western Foods.
Click here for Product Order form ID21000032646
Getting introduced to this amazing Electrolyzed water was great for me. Before trying it, I thought all water was the same but now I know different.
It really made a huge difference for my family and myself.So I made the decision to purchase my own Platinum Ioniser device rather than relying on my friend to keep giving me the water.
It has to be my best investment to date! Now I’m starting to share the benefits of Electrolyzed water with others. I’m loving this more each day, as the saying goes, “Get Hydrated'' Stay Hydrated''
Click here for Product Order form ID 21000010957
We love our customers, but due the currant situation visits are only by appointments until further notice.